Thursday, June 21, 2018

Couch Surfing and Social Media

So, this little girl went from a 7 pound ball of nothing to a 35 pound lightning bolt right before our eyes. She gets more adorable (and more energetic) every day.

She is now almost as long as the sofa... and loves to stretch out and hog the whole darn thing. Sharing isn't her thing. Unless she's on your lap. She likes to share your personal space...

When she manages to get into the living room, she's usually trying to un-stuff the pillows. Or chew on the shutters. Or climb on the coffee table.  She's a hooligan, through and through.
This was a rare moment of quiet.

One of these days, she's going to puppy school... seriously.
I mean it.

The teenager recently suggested that we get Bunny her own social media presence.

He even offered to manage it. 
Like the Kardashians... Um, no.

I think she's down with it though...

What should we call her Instagram?
She's too young for Twitter...

I just wish she'd quit chewing on my white leather iPad cover.

This girl has expensive taste!

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